Continental opens more government doors
With a long heritage in government access control, from FBI Quantico to the Federal Reserve Bank, from Langely Airforce Base to Wallops Island, and from the Port Authority of NY/NJ to the USCIS, DHS and DOD, today, Continental's total systems approach delivers unrivaled features and no-delay high-speed processing all designed to meet new and future FIPS201 and TWIC requirements.
- Panels process full cardholder CHUID numbers from all FIPS201, TWIC and CAC cards and reader formats
- Unique no-delay realtime evaluation of cards and expiration dates right at panels - key for high — traffic areas and for embedded contractor or vendor access dates
- High speed processing – door-open times of ½ second plus 10-times faster
system communications and full panel downloads in as little as 3-seconds - Onboard storage for up to 1 million cards or 500,000 full-data FIPS PIV cards; 75, 128 and 200 bits
- Future 256 bit PIV and biometric minutiae fi le support
- Easy-to-administer CardAccess Software with EZ PIV-Badge Enrollment Utility with data-error check for FIPS, TWIC and CAC formats. Also featuring: Enhancedthreat level management with global lock-down, dynamic maps, multiple antipassback areas, web client remote access, NVR/DVR integration, etc.
- Government legacy system support and easy, economical FIPS201 upgrades with virtually no downtime
GSA Contract #GS-07F-0039H

- All Trilogy Lock Features
- In an hour, add dependable wireless access control, one door at a time—easily retrofit standard knobsets
- Support 100 to 2000 PIN codes (3-5 or 6 digits); some with built-in HID prox readers for use with access ID cards/fobs
- Multi-level user codes & one-time service codes. Free passage, group- or total lock-out modes, too
- All are fingertip programmable at vandalproof all-metal keypad
- PC programmable models also feature printable audit trail, auto-lock/unlock scheduling saving guard/manpower costs
- Long-life battery operation (cylindrical models use 5AA off-the-shelf batteries); low battery alert
- Key override, standard core (supplied) or interchangeable core prep
- Non-handed cylindrical models
- Programmable relay functions
- Durable BHMA Grade 1 Lockset
- Weatherproof -31˚ to +151˚F (-35˚ to +66˚C)
- Curved Regal handle & Matte Black US19 Option
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